I have a class which derives from CView which calls OnFilePrint(), but it seems as though only one copy ever gets printed regardless of how many I enter in the print dialog. Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I could potentially create my own CPrintDialog, but I'm not quite sure how to actually have it do the "printing" as it were. Something along the lines of the following?
CString PrinterName;
CString SelectedPrinter;
CPrintDialog dlg(FALSE);
int nCopies = 1;
if( IDOK != dlg.DoModal())
nCopies = dlg.GetCopies();
for(int i=0;i<nCopies;i++)
//do something??
What am I missing? Also, if the user selects a pdf printer, how would I prevent the code from prompting the user for the file save location "nCopies" times?
Thanks for the help!