I'm having an annoying problem which takes the best off me :<
I've got 3 view controllers, one to show an advertisement in detail which also has a toolbar. Now what I want is, if the user presses the facebook icon on my toolbar in the first view it has to perform a check. If the check turns out false it needs to go to a 2nd view which shows a login screen. If the user logs in here it has to go to a 3rd screen which shows a simple input + button to update their status.
When the user is at this third screen there should be a button "Back", but this button shouldn't bring them back to View2 but it should bring them back to View1 (the advertisement detail screen).
I figured that I wanted to show the 2nd screen (if check turns false) without pushing it but keeping the NavigationBar + TabBar presented. I added some screenshots to clarify.
First view
Second view I want this view to be presented without using PushViewController but keep the NavigationBar and TabBar.
Third View
I hope this is enough information, hopefully someone can help me.
Thanks in advance!