First off, I know how to and has Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS7. This works great for seeing the Active Directory user logged on the computer.
But, the need is to get the username of a Novell authenticated user. I don't want the password or anything more than the username.
Other restrictions:
- Can't install anything on the users computers
- Can install things on the web server
- Can setup trust between web server and Novell server
- Its gonna be on a public website with anonymous access, I can tweek to have a section that requires authentication and thus getting the user from there.
- The website is in C# .Net 2.0
- If the method can provide also the password, I can use it to fully validate the user with Novell. That part (talking to Novell Server LDAP) has been already done.
- Must work with IE6 and IE7
(Update) On the Novell website the only info about single-sign on there is shows how to log someone on Novell and in the conclusion tells this:
A way (there are other ways) to save our credentials inside global variables so the user does not have to authenticate for each and every form(single sign-on).
(Update) Also from Novell, they say to have a SSO solution. But, the content dates from 2000, and another one requires to install a plugin on the Novell Server and paying for it 49$ per user. So its not a valid solution.