I have a grid of data where we have added a filter icon to the header of each column after initializing the grid like so:
function selectHeaderIcon(searchActive){
if (searchActive) {
return "ui-icon-zoomin";
} else {
return "ui-icon-search";
function updateColumnHeader(searchActive){
self.grid.updateColumnHeader(column.id, name + '<span class="ui-icon '+selectHeaderIcon(searchActive)+' slick-resizable-handle searchLink ' + columnCss + '" ></span>', 'Search');
I have also enabled column reordering on the grid. However, whenever I reorder the columns, my search icons disappear! I did some further testing in chrome debugger by manually adding text to change a column name as well as adding a random new span to the html. After reordering the columns, both changes disappeared. Is SlickGrid storing a different copy of my column headers somewhere instead of using what is displayed to do the reordering? If so, why? How do I get around this issue?