I am attempting to create a bug in TFS2010 by impersonating a user but always get
"TF30063 You are not authorized to access.."
I first authenticate using a service account and then attempt to impersonate a separate user account. I can successfully create Work Items using either account both programmatically and in the web UI. However, when I try to create the Work Item used an impersonated account (either way around) I always get this error. My code is:
public int Save(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> values, ticketType type,string user)
// get the Uri to the project collection to use
Uri tfsuri = new Uri("");
// get a reference to the team project collection (authenticate as generic service account)
using (var tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsuri, new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "servername")))
//Now get the details of the user we want to impersonate
TeamFoundationIdentity identity = GetImpersonatedIdentity(tfsuri,tfs,user);
//Now connect as the impersonated user
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection ImpersonatedTFS = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsuri, identity.Descriptor))
var workItemStore = GetWorkItemStore(ImpersonatedTFS);
// create a new work item
WorkItem wi = new WorkItem(GetWorkItemType(type, workItemStore));
//Values are supplied as a KVP - Field Name/Value
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp in values)
if (wi.Fields.Contains(kvp.Key))
wi.Fields[kvp.Key].Value = kvp.Value;
ValidationResult = wi.Validate();
if (ValidationResult.Count == 0)
return wi.Id;
return 0;
It successfully gets the impersonated identity but falls over on
Both accounts have the 'Make requests on behalf of others' permission set.