I have a GWT CellTable with SingleSelectionModel enabled. Once a user clicks a row, the onSelectionChange(...) fires up my Confirmation Dialog which asks the user whether to proceed or not. The issue is when the user clicks 'Cancel', nothing happens but he is not able to select the same row (assume only 1 row in the CellTable) I know I can clear the selection once the user clicks 'Cancel', but that will fires onSelectionChange(..) again and triggers my Confirmation Dialog ..... it's an infinite loop.
The following is my code:
// Add SelectionModel to dTable;
final SingleSelectionModel<Driver> ssm = new SingleSelectionModel<Driver>();
ssm.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
@ Override
public void onSelectionChange(final SelectionChangeEvent event)
SC.confirm("Do you want to contact the driver?", new BooleanCallback() {
public void execute(Boolean value) {
if (value != null && value) {
final Driver d = ssm.getSelectedObject();
dataStoreService.updateDrivers(d._UUID.toString(),tripDate.getValue(), loginInfo.getEmailAddress(),destination.getText().trim(),
new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(String uuid) {
Window.alert("The driver has been notified. Please keep your reference id: "+uuid);
dataStoreService.getBookings(loginInfo.getEmailAddress(), new AsyncCallback<List<Booking>>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(List<Booking> myBookings) {
ClientUtilities.populateBookings(bookingDataProvider, myBookings);
} else {
//clear selection
//ssm.setSelected(ssm.getSelectedObject(), false);
Can someone tell me how to handle this kind of situation in CellTable? I'm open for any solutions.