Background: I'm writing an application in C# (.NET 3.5), that looks at multiple users Outlook 2003 calendars (using COM objects), gets the appointments and inserts the data for those appointments into a database.
Problem: After the first users calendar, any recurring items on the following calendars, will always have a start and end time of the first occurrence of that item. I'm releasing the COM Objects between users (and during, if the user has a lot of items), and The item collection is being restricted correctly (due to there only being a handful of the recurring tasks inserted (albeit the wrong start/end) instead of infinite from the "no end" tasks). The correct start/end time is part of the requirements, having the information available for this or another application to work out how much free time a user has for a given range of dates, and working hours.
Code: (Variable declarations omitted, they're at the top of the relevant functions)
Looping through the users (in Main()):
foreach (DataRow drUserCalendar in dtCalendars.Rows)
//for each calendar we're looking at, export their calendar data and put it in the database
appOutlook = new Outlook.Application();
catch (Exception ex)
//report error
Extracting information from the calendar
static void ExportCalendar(DataRow drUser)
strDisplayName = drUser["DisplayName"].ToString();
strUserID = drUser["ID"].ToString();
int.TryParse(drUser["PreviousDays"].ToString(), out intPrevious);
int.TryParse(drUser["FutureDays"].ToString(), out intFuture);
dtmAllowedPreviousStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-intPrevious);
dtmAllowedFutureStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(intFuture);
nsOne = appOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
nsOne.Logon(null, null, false, false);
rcpOne = nsOne.CreateRecipient(strDisplayName);
intCount = 0;
if (rcpOne.Resolve())
fldOne = nsOne.GetSharedDefaultFolder(rcpOne, Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar);
strRestrict = "[Start] > '" + MIN_START_DATE.ToString("g") + "' And [End] < '" + MAX_START_DATE.ToString("g") + "'";
itms = fldOne.Items;
itms.Sort("[Start]", Type.Missing);
itms.IncludeRecurrences = true;
itmsRestricted = itms.Restrict(strRestrict);
itmsRestricted.Sort("[Start]", Type.Missing);
itmsRestricted.IncludeRecurrences = true;
blnIsRecurring = false;
dicRecurringTaskTracker = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (object objOne in itmsRestricted)
if (intCount >= 100 || blnIsRecurring)
//release COM objects. Outlook doesn't like you having more than 250 ish items without cleaning up.
appOutlook = new Outlook.Application();
intCount = 0;
if (objOne is Outlook.AppointmentItem)
appItem = (Outlook.AppointmentItem)objOne;
blnException = false;
//get data from the item
strEntryID = appItem.EntryID;
strSubject = appItem.Subject;
strBody = appItem.Body;
dtmStart = appItem.Start;
dtmEnd = appItem.End;
blnException = EXCEPTIONS.Contains(strSubject);
//if the item is an exception we're done with it.
if (!blnException)
strRecurrenceInterval = "";
strRecurrenceType = "";
strRecurrenceInfo = "";
//check if it's a recurring task.
blnIsRecurring = appItem.IsRecurring;
if (blnIsRecurring)
//check to see if we've already had a task from this series
if (!dicRecurringTaskTracker.Keys.Contains(strEntryID))
//Start at 0 so the first (this) task
//is number 1.
dicRecurringTaskTracker.Add(strEntryID, 0);
//update number
dicRecurringTaskTracker[strEntryID] += 1;
//change the subject to add the count on the end
strEntryID = strEntryID + '-' + dicRecurringTaskTracker[strEntryID].ToString();
//it's a recurring task, so we need to find out when/how often.
rpTaskRecurrence = appItem.GetRecurrencePattern();
rtTaskRecurrenceType = rpTaskRecurrence.RecurrenceType;
strRecurrenceType = rtTaskRecurrenceType.ToString();
strRecurrenceInterval = rpTaskRecurrence.Interval.ToString();
switch (strRecurrenceType)
case "olRecursDaily":
case "olRecursMonthNth":
case "olRecursWeekly":
strRecurrenceInfo = rpTaskRecurrence.DayOfWeekMask.ToString();
case "olRecursMonthly":
strRecurrenceInfo = rpTaskRecurrence.DayOfMonth.ToString();
if (strEntryID != null && strSubject != null && dtmStart != null && dtmEnd != null
&& (intPrevious == 0 || (dtmStart > dtmAllowedPreviousStart)) && (intFuture == 0 || (dtmStart < dtmAllowedFutureStart)))
//build up the SQL
strSQL = "EXEC UpdateCalendarEntry ";
strSQL += "@EntryID='" + strEntryID + "', ";
strSQL += "@Subject='" + strSubject.Replace("'", "''") + "', ";
strSQL += "@Body='" + strSubject.Replace("'", "''") + "', ";
strSQL += "@StartDate='" + dtmStart.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "', ";
strSQL += "@EndDate='" + dtmEnd.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "', ";
strSQL += "@UserCalendarID=" + strUserID + ",";
strSQL += "@Recurring = " + blnIsRecurring.ToString() + ",";
strSQL += "@RecurrenceType = '" + strRecurrenceType + "',";
strSQL += "@RecurrenceInterval = '" + strRecurrenceInterval + "',";
strSQL += "@RecurrenceInfo = '" + strRecurrenceInfo + "';";
//Execute SQL
catch (Exception ex)
//Print error message
strEntryID = null;
strSubject = null;
strBody = null;
//finished looping, do some clean up.
throw new Exception("Could not resolve name");