I have a need to create multiple copies of a search form (in Access 2010) that returns a value to the calling (which is also the form that created the instance of the form).
As mentioned these forms could and will have multiple copies running at the same time for example a user could want to add a company to something so they:
- Click "select company" and open an instance of the company search screen
- Then open the company editor (leaving the original company search/selection screen open) as they notice the company has a parent company that hasn't been added yet.
- They then click the "Select Parent Company" button that opens ANOTHER instance of the search and select screen
- They find the parent company
- Select it which closes the second search screen and the parent company is added to the first company.
- The user then selects the modified company using the original search screen which again closes the original search screen and returns the selected company to what ever form they originally initialised the first search...
This all allows the users to update and correct data as and when they find error which reduces the likelihood of them forgetting and makes it much quicker!
MOST of this is fine now but I have had a lot of problems with instances of a form not being able to open as a "acDialog" thus stopping the calling code running until the search was done (see this question for more info) and the solution I have gone with is to simulate the pausing of the calling code by using a endless loop and checking if the search screen instant is still visible. Then when the user selects something on the search screen instant it puts the value in a hidden field in the search screen and hides it's self (not closed). The calling function then sees it's hidden grabs the value from the hidden field and unloads the instant.
I can check if the form is hidden using FormInstant.Visable but if the user closes the form this causes an error and the code I would normally use to check if the form exists requires a form name and as it's an instant of a form all the forms have the same name! I do have a reference to the form as it is stored in a local "form" object... The code I would normally use is:
So how can I check for a instant of a form being loaded still?