I'm using DevExpress for WinForms (the free one) and I'm using a 3D pie chart. I already have a chart using the Windows version and all I do is pass four variables as the values the chart needs in the series. Here's the code I use currently.
double[] yValues = { bottom, bmid, tmid, top};
string[] xNames = { "Greater than 200", "Between 200-100", "Between 100-50", "Below 50" };
chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(xNames, yValues);
Now, I've made a DevExpress chart and tried to use:
but points.databind
does not exist.
Does anyone know how I bind the data like I have using WinForms?
UPDATE Here's some more things I tried (commented out).
double[] yValues = { bottom, bmid, tmid, top};
string[] xNames = { "Greater than 200", "Between 200-100", "Between 100-50", "Below 50" };
chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(xNames, yValues);
DataTable chartTable = new DataTable("Table1");
// Add two columns to the table.
chartTable.Columns.Add("Names", typeof(string));
chartTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(Int32));
chartTable.Rows.Add("Below 50", top);
chartTable.Rows.Add("Between 50-100", tmid);
chartTable.Rows.Add("Between 100-200", bmid);
chartTable.Rows.Add("Greater than 200", top);
Series series1 = new Series("Series1", ViewType.Pie3D);
series1.DataSource = chartTable;
series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
series1.ArgumentDataMember = "names";
series1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
series1.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Value" });
//((Pie3DSeriesView)series1.View). = true;
//((pie)chartControl2.Diagram).AxisY.Visible = false;
chartControl2.Legend.Visible = false;
// Dock the chart into its parent and add it to the current form.
chart1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
::UPDATE2:: heres what happens with this code with values 101, 22, 20 and 15.