I'm looking to implement a build server for Qt-based C++ projects. The server needs to check out the necessary code / assets from Subversion, build the executable files, assemble the artifacts for installation projects, and build the installation media files. The target platforms and (rough) toolchains are:
- Windows (32- and 64-bit): qmake, nmake, msbuild, wix toolchain. The end result is an installer EXE and DVD image.
- Mac OS X: qmake, make, custom bash scripts to assemble package. The end result is an application bundle within a disk image and a DVD image.
- Ubuntu (32- and 64-bit): qmake, make, debuild-based scripts. The end result is a collection of DEB files and a DVD image.
- Fedora (32- and 64-bit): qmake, make, rpmbuild-based scripts. The end result is a collection of RPM files and a DVD image.
So that's at least 4 build agents (maybe more if 32- and 64-bit can't be done on the same box) and 7 configurations. Open-source projects are preferred, but that is not an absolute requirement.
Most of the tools I'm seeing seem to be catered to Java (Jenkins, CruiseControl, etc.) or .Net (CruiseControl.net, etc.) Can those be used with a C++ toolchain, or will I constantly be fighting the system? Anything that you have used in the past and found works well with Qt / C++?