I want to convert a very simple Antlr grammar to Xtext, so no syntactic predicates, no fancy features of Antlr not provided by Xtext. Consider this grammar
grammar simple; // Antlr3
foo: number+;
number: NUMBER;
NUMBER: '0'..'9'+;
and its Xtext counterpart
grammar Simple; // Xtext
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore
generate Simple "http://www.example.org/Simple"
Foo: dummy=Number+;
terminal NUMBER_TOKEN: '0'..'9'+;
Xtext uses Antlr behind the scenes, but the two format are not exactly the same. There are quite a few annoying (and partly understandable) things I have to modify, including:
- Prefix terminals with the
keyword - Include
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore
to make terminals work - Add a feature to the top-level rule, e.g.
foo: dummy=number+
- Keep in mind that rule and terminal names have to be unique even case-insensitive.
- Optionally, capitalize the first letter of rule names to follow Java convention.
Is there a tool to make this conversion automatically at least for simple cases? If not, is there a more complete checklist of such required modifications?
char in this Q&A: stackoverflow.com/questions/8284919/… – Bart Kiers