I have a datawindow that takes one argument. I have a PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic application that takes this argument from the command line, retrieves the datawinddow, saves as PDF and exits. I have a webserver Windows running IIS and PHP. There is a PHP page that gets the argument, runs the commandline PowerBuilder application, gets the PDF output and displays it. The net result is: a dynamic web page that displays a datawindow, and can be saved as PDF from a web user. But now, I need to do the same on a Linux server. I considered the following options:
1) Use Wine to run the PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic application
2) Convert the application to PowerBuilder .net (I have already done this) and then run it on the web server using Mono
3) Using datawindow.net and running it under Linux in some way
Which method would you choose? Of course, if you see a better way let me know.