i was testing the application by inserting some 1000 users and each user having 1000 contacts in a database table under mnesia and during insertion at some part the error i got is as follows:
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
binary_alloc: Cannot allocate 422879872 bytes of memory (of type "binary").
i started the erl emulator with erl +MBas af (B-binary allocator af- a fit) and tried again but the error was same,
note:: i am using erlang r12b version and the system ram is 8gb on ubuntu 10.04 so may i know how to solve it?
the records definitions are:
%% database -record(database,{dbid,guid,data}).
%% changelog -record(changelog,{dbid,timestamp,changelist,type}).
here data is a vcard(contact info) , dbid and type is "contacts", guid is an integer automatically generated by the server
the database record contains all the vcard data of all users.if there are 1000 users and each user having 1000 contacts then we will have 10^6 records.
the changelog record will contain what are the changes done on the database table at that timestamp
the code for creation of tables are::
mnesia:create_table(database, [{type,bag}, {attributes,Record_of_database},
mnesia:create_table(changelog, [{type,set}, {attributes,Record_of_changelog},
the insertion of records on table is:
commit_data(DataList = [#database{dbid=DbID}|_]) ->
io:format("commit data called~n"),
[mnesia:dirty_write(database,{database,DbId,Guid,Key})|| {database,DbId,Guid,X}<-DataList].
write_changelist(Username,Dbname,Timestamp,ChangeList) ->