I managed to set up a gdbserver for a Qt application and ran it on a 64-bit Ubuntu computer using:
gdbserver <ip>:20000 ./sampleQtApp
And I tried to connect it to using a remote computer of the same network using GDB as follows:
set architecture i386:x86-64:intel
target remote <ip>:20000
It gives me the following output, and I can not figure out why.
(gdb) target remote
warning: A handler for the OS ABI "GNU/Linux" is not built into this configuration
of GDB. Attempting to continue with the default i386:x86-64 settings.
Remote debugging using
Remote register badly formatted: T0506:0000000000000000;07:a080c7ceff7f0000;10:f0fae7b0107f0000;thread:7c0;core:0;
here: 00000000;07:a080c7ceff7f0000;10:f0fae7b0107f0000;thread:7c0;core:0;
What am I doing wrong here?