I have a QMainWindow with:
- Two widgets in a horizontal splitter. "m_liner" is on the right side
- Both widgets have a minimum size of say, 300 pixels.
- A checkbox to hide/show the right-side widget m_liner.
I want the overall QMainWindow to expand when showing the widget, and shrink when hiding. The code below does this except:
- If both widgets are shown, the minimum window size is 600 pixels.
- Shrink the window to this smallest size.
- Uncheck the box to hide the right-side widget.
- Program hides the right-side widget.
- Program calls this->resize(300, height);
- The window ends up being 600 pixels wide (the minimum size with both widgets visible), instead of around 300 (the minimum size with only the left widget).
- Later, I can resize the window down to 300 pixels with the mouse or another button. But it won't resize to 300 in the checkbox event, even if I call resize several times.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Critical bit of code follows, I have a full project available if you need it:
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_stateChanged(int val)
std::cout << "-------------------- Checkbox clicked " << val << std::endl;
bool visible = val;
QWidget * m_liner = ui->textEdit_2;
QSplitter * m_splitter = ui->splitter;
int linerWidth = m_liner->width();
if (linerWidth <= 0) linerWidth = m_lastLinerWidth;
if (linerWidth <= 0) linerWidth = m_liner->sizeHint().width();
// Account for the splitter handle
linerWidth += m_splitter->handleWidth() - 4;
std::cout << "Frame width starts at " << this->width() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Right Panel width is " << m_liner->width() << std::endl;
// this->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
if (visible && !m_liner->isVisible())
// Expand the window to include the Right Panel
int w = this->width() + linerWidth;
QList<int> sizes = m_splitter->sizes();
if (sizes[1] == 0)
sizes[1] = linerWidth;
this->resize(w, this->height());
else if (!visible && m_liner->isVisible())
// Shrink the window to exclude the Right Panel
int w = this->width() - linerWidth;
std::cout << "Shrinking to " << w << std::endl;
m_lastLinerWidth = m_liner->width();
m_splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 0);
this->resize(w, this->height());
m_splitter->resize(w, this->height());
this->resize(w, this->height());
// Toggle the visibility of the liner
std::cout << "Frame width of " << this->width() << std::endl;