I have a buy now (pay now) button but when a user pays, I'll get a notification that the user pays but i can't get the money unless i shipped the item to the User.
I don't have items to be shipped! I want the button to be something like the donation button, if someone pays i get the money immediately.
But I don't want DONATIONS, I am actually using the pay now and NOT the buy now button so there's nothing to buy, but you pay for something like a VIP service
I don't want to use the subscription button because I want the user to pay as many times as he wants, the more times he pays the more service he gets.
So how can i get the money from the pay now without having to deliver any items?
@BillyMoon I am actually giving something but not a physical item you know - i don't know how to explain it, like when you buy chips from facebook zinga poker game, the user can pay many times and get more chips.
or like when you pay on facebook to advertise something there, you can pay many times if you want to have many ads, I can give you guys many examples!!
Haven't you played any games, or paid to any service, where you get something, but not a physical item?
I host a competition on my site, if you pay 3$, you'll get a chance to enter the competition, if you pay twice you'll get more chance of winning, you can subscribe to my site without paying but you won't be entering the competition and you won't have a chance to win (i don't want to give more details until I launch the site) but you see the main idea
I was testing the buy now button so i made the value of it 0.10$ (which is the minimum value possible) just for testing coz i am from lebanon, not allowed to use and don't know how to use sandbox
so i paid twice, just to see if everything is working so i should receive 0.20$ right?
i go to my paypal, I can see that i paid twice but the money wasn't added to my paypal let me show you, I had 0.86$ before i paid to this account. but this amount didn't increase
Although I received the payments, my paypal balance is still the same