Here's the same method provided by @Sir Kill A Lot in his answer, but converted to a PowerShell script (pfx2snk.ps1).
[string] $pfxFilePath,
[string] $pfxPassword
# The path to the snk file we're creating
[string] $snkFilePath = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pfxFilePath) + ".snk";
# Read in the bytes of the pfx file
[byte[]] $pfxBytes = Get-Content $pfxFilePath -Encoding Byte;
# Get a cert object from the pfx bytes with the private key marked as exportable
$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(
# Export a CSP blob from the cert (which is the same format as an SNK file)
[byte[]] $snkBytes = ([Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider]$cert.PrivateKey).ExportCspBlob($true);
# Write the CSP blob/SNK bytes to the snk file
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($snkFilePath, $snkBytes);
Just run that script providing the pfx file path and password and it will make an snk file in the same directory as the pfx file (with the same name other than the extension).
powershell.exe -File pfx2snk.ps1 -pfxFilePath cert.pfx -pfxPassword "pfx password"
Or, if your pfx doesn't have a password (shame, shame):
powershell.exe -File pfx2snk.ps1 cert.pfx
And, if you're unfortunate enough to be working in an environment where they don't allow PowerShell scripts to execute (ie. interactive PowerShell sessions only), then you can execute this ugly one liner from a standard cmd.exe command line (replacing file paths and pfx password as needed).
powershell.exe -Command "[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('SnkFilePath.snk', ([Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider](New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2((Get-Content 'PfxFilePath.pfx' -Encoding Byte), 'PfxPassword', [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags]::Exportable)).PrivateKey).ExportCspBlob($true));"
I actually use that one-liner as a standard part of my Visual Studio pre-build process to automate the process of using the same keys from our authenticode signature certs (pfx file) for strong name signing. That's not a requirement, but it just seems to make sense to me that they should be the same and it feeds my OCD tendencies.
(I use an snk file rather than the original pfx because I've had the "buggy" experience using pfx files for strong name signing that @punkcoder mentioned in his answer)
And, if you're interested, I have something like the following as a part of my post-build process in Visual Studio to add the authenticode signature to the project output (in "Release" project configurations anyway).
powershell.exe -Command "Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath '$(TargetPath)' -Certificate '$(SolutionDir)MyCert.pfx' -TimestampServer -HashAlgorithm sha256;"