A lot of focus in the suggestions above on inventing ways in runtime to pass in variables, set them and clear them and so on..? But to test things 'structurally', I guess you want to have different test suites for different scenarios? Pretty much like when you want to run your 'heavier' integration test builds, whereas in most cases you just want to skip them. But then you don't try and 'invent ways to set stuff in runtime', rather you just tell maven what you want? It used to be a lot of work telling maven to run specific tests via profiles and such, if you google around people would suggest doing it via springboot (but if you haven't dragged in the springboot monstrum into your project, it seems a horrendous footprint for 'just running JUnits', right?). Or else it would imply loads of more or less inconvenient POM XML juggling which is also tiresome and, let's just say it, 'a nineties move', as inconvenient as still insisting on making 'spring beans out of XML', showing off your ultimate 600 line logback.xml or whatnot...?
Nowadays, you can just use Junit 5 (this example is for maven, more details can be found here JUnit 5 User Guide 5)
and then
and then in your favourite utility lib create a simple nifty annotation class such as
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
@EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable(named = "MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS", matches = "(.*)integration-testing(.*)")
public @interface IntegrationTest {}
so then whenever your cmdline options contain -Pintegration-testing for instance, then and only then will your @IntegrationTest annotated test-class/method fire. Or, if you don't want to use (and setup) a specific maven profile but rather just pass in 'trigger' system properties by means of
mvn <cmds> -DmySystemPop=mySystemPropValue
and adjust your annotation interface to trigger on that (yes, there is also a @EnabledIfSystemProperty). Or making sure your shell is set up to contain 'whatever you need' or, as is suggested above, actually going through 'the pain' adding system env via your POM XML.
Having your code internally in runtime fiddle with env or mocking env, setting it up and then possibly 'clearing' runtime env to change itself during execution just seems like a bad, perhaps even dangerous, approach - it's easy to imagine someone will always sooner or later make a 'hidden' internal mistake that will go unnoticed for a while, just to arise suddenly and bite you hard in production later..? You usually prefer an approach entailing that 'given input' gives 'expected output', something that is easy to grasp and maintain over time, your fellow coders will just see it 'immediately'.
Well long 'answer' or maybe rather just an opinion on why you'd prefer this approach (yes, at first I just read the heading for this question and went ahead to answer that, ie 'How to test code dependent on environment variables using JUnit').