Mage v1.6
i'd like to modify the checkmo payment method to allow an order to be promoted to the processing state upon creation. I've found that by changing the /app/code/core/Mage/Payment/etc/system.xml (yes, just fiddling with core now on test server, will modify it properly if it works) file here:
<checkmo translate="label">
<order_status translate="label">
by removing the "new" in the source_model you can select an order status in the configuration that belongs to the processing state.
However, the orders are not really in the processing state. They remain in the new/pending state, but the status is one from the processing state. A weird hybrid.
This doesn't quite work, since my goal is to be able to easily switch an order between the 4 custom order statuses i have made for the processing state. the reason is to get all orders, check or CC to be in the same state so they can be treated similarly. the Authnet module puts the CC orders in the processing state, and I want the checkmo orders to join them. (conversely, if I could make the CC orders go to the new/pending state, I can assign my custom statuses to that state) Either way, I need all new orders to be in the same state upon creation regardless of invoice or shipment existence.
note: these related questions do not quite address this issue : 6095096, 6415547, 4170628)