I have an xib with a single UIView containing a bunch of images and labels. If I drag a Tap Gesture Recognizer onto the parent view, it works well, but I need to add code to determine the position of the tap so I can respond properly to the label tapped.
I thought it would be a lot easier if I could instead drag Gesture Recognizers to each label and/or image and wire IBActions to each where I respond respond appropriately. Unfortunately I cannot get this to work. I can only get the delegate methods to execute from the parent view.
What I did was drag a Tap Gesture Recognizer to a label, then wired the view controller as the TGR's delegate, and wired an IBAction method to handle the tap. In addition to using the IBAction method I tried without succes assigning the target and action method in the gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:gestureRecognizer delegate method.
Shouldn't this work, or am I just wishfully thinking?
Thanks for any help.