I have a problem when I'm trying to delete an image file. I always get an error that says: IOExeption was unhandled. Acces denied because the file is beining used by another process.
I do'nt know what process that could be and how to solve it.
private void comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Album album = GetAlbum(comboBox1.SelectedIndex); Photo photo = GetPhoto(comboBox1.SelectedIndex, comboBox3.SelectedIndex); txtPhotoPath.Text = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + photo.SPath; lblExtention.Text = photo.SExtention; txtPhotoTitle.Text = photo.STitle; pctrbFoto.Image = Image.FromFile(foto.SPath).GetThumbnailImage(GetWitdth(photo.SPath, GetHeight(photo.SPath, 150)), GetfHeight(photo.SPath, 150), null, new IntPtr()); } private void btnChangePhoto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Album album = GetAlbum(comboBox1.SelectedIndex); Photo photo = GetPhoto(comboBox1.SelectedIndex, comboBox3.SelectedIndex); File.Delete("Albums\\Images\\" + photo.STitle + foto.SExtention); photo.SExtention = lblExtention.Text; photo.STitle = txtPhotoTitel.Text; Photo.SPath = txtPath.Text; File.Copy(photo.SPath, "Albums\\Images\\" + photo.STitle + photo.SExtention); }
Thanks, Vinzcent
Thanks to all for the help.
I used this and it works very well now
your process is the one that uses file , you need to set image to null use something like this :
var img = Image.FromFile(foto.SPath).GetThumbnailImage(GetWitdth(photo.SPath, GetHeight(photo.SPath, 150)), GetfHeight(photo.SPath, 150), null, new IntPtr());
pctrbFoto.Image = img;
img = null;