I'm converting a database from access to a sql backend access front end. The database has embedded pdf documents which end up getting stored as [image] data by SQL server's data import tools.
My problem is that I want the users to be able to open the pdf file by clicking the pdf icon in a report created in access.
Can this be done with VBA or is there an easier way? I'm at a total loss on how to make this happen.
Thanks for the answer!
I edited the BlobToFile function to strip out the ole header since adobe couldn't read the file (evince could and so could mac preview)
I was able to do what I wanted like this:
Private Sub PDFDocument_Click()
Call BlobToFile("C:\db\MyPDFFile.pdf", Me.PDFDocument)
If Dir("C:\db\MyPDFFile.pdf") <> "" Then
FollowHyperlink ("C:\db\MyPDFFile.pdf")
End If
End Sub
'Function: BlobToFile - Extracts the data in a binary field to a disk file.
'Parameter: strFile - Full path and filename of the destination file.
'Parameter: Field - The field containing the blob.
'Return: The length of the data extracted.
Public Function BlobToFile(strFile As String, ByRef Field As Object) As Long
On Error GoTo BlobToFileError
Dim nFileNum As Integer
Dim abytData() As Byte
Dim abytParsedData() As Byte
Dim copyOn As Boolean
Dim copyIndex As Long
BlobToFile = 0
nFileNum = FreeFile
copyOn = False
copyIndex = 0
Open strFile For Binary Access Write As nFileNum
abytData = Field
ReDim abytParsedData(UBound(abytData))
For i = LBound(abytData) To UBound(abytData) - 1
If copyOn = False Then
If Chr(abytData(i)) = "%" And Chr(abytData(i + 1)) = "P" And Chr(abytData(i + 2)) = "D" And Chr(abytData(i + 3)) = "F" Then
copyOn = True
End If
End If
If copyOn = True Then
abytParsedData(copyIndex) = abytData(i)
copyIndex = copyIndex + 1
End If
Put #nFileNum, , abytParsedData
BlobToFile = LOF(nFileNum)
If nFileNum > 0 Then Close nFileNum
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
"Error writing file in BlobToFile"
BlobToFile = 0
Resume BlobToFileExit
End Function