I have a composite component that takes a specific object type as its value attribute. It looks like this:
<cc:attribute name="value"
The component merely produces a h:panelGrid with data elements from the object.
I have never had trouble with it until I tried using it inside a ui:repeat structure like this:
<ui:repeat value="#{myApp.tallyList}" var="tally">
<qc:tallySummaryH value="#{tally}" />
When this page is requested, it throws an exception:
javax.faces.view.facelets.TagException: /table.xhtml @86,66 <qc:tallySummaryH> The following attribute(s) are required, but no values have been supplied for them: value.
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.InterfaceHandler.validateComponent(InterfaceHandler.java:233)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.InterfaceHandler.apply(InterfaceHandler.java:125)
at javax.faces.view.facelets.CompositeFaceletHandler.apply(CompositeFaceletHandler.java:98)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.NamespaceHandler.apply(NamespaceHandler.java:93)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.EncodingHandler.apply(EncodingHandler.java:86)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFacelet.apply(DefaultFacelet.java:152)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.CompositeComponentTagHandler.applyCompositeComponent(CompositeComponentTagHandler.java:349)
Other references to #{tally} inside the ui:repeat loop do not have any problem. They operate as expected. Is this a Mojarra bug or is there something in the JSF specification I didn't understand?
This is on Mojarra 2.1.0 (FCS 2.1.0-b11) in GlassFish 3.1.1
attribute? – BalusC