I have an API that gives me PCM wave data:
The byte[] buffer format used as a parameter for the SoundEffect constructor, Microphone.GetData method, and DynamicSoundEffectInstance.SubmitBuffer method is PCM wave data. Additionally, the PCM format is interleaved and in little-endian.
The audio format has the following constraints:
- The audio channels can be mono (1) or stereo (2).
- The PCM wave file must have 16-bits per sample.
- The sample rate must be between 8,000 Hz and 48,000 Hz.
- The interleaving for stereo data is left channel to right channel.
I would like to do a visualisation based on this data.
I want to split the sound pitch levels into 3rds, and get the volume/level of each.
So, if i speak in a low voice, i'll get a high value, then 2 low values, if i speak normally i'd get a low value, a high value and a low value and if i speak in a high voice i get 2 low values, and a high value.
How can i achieve this? I've never tried anything dealing with sound, so i'm at level 1, and don't know where to start.