
My Erlang app will create up to 1'000'000 processes. Each process will be a gen_server. From time to time each process will get some messages.

I am looking for a robust process keeper for my Erlang app. Any ideas what is a best match for my needs?

Additional info:

Read here why build-in process registry is not good enough for tasks like mine: https://github.com/uwiger/gproc/blob/master/doc/erlang07-wiger.pdf

What do you mean by process keeper? What's wrong with the usual supervisor pattern?Artefact2
process keeper = process index. Supervisor pattern is designed for other type of tasks. I was looking for a process register/index/keepe - something that will hold and take care about my croud of processes.Worker
Do you mean like a connection pool?BRampersad
Not realy. Connection pool is something that holds tens or hundreds of things, but I need to handle milion of those things... It is really big difference.Worker

1 Answers


Do you need a better process registry? If so, take a look at gproc. It's a powerful alternative to standard OTP registered processes that, among others, suffers from the hard one million tuple limit of the Erlang VM.