Note: I'm not a RoR developer, so if there is anything inaccurate in the question please correct me.
RoR has its own i18n library. This library (optionally) uses YAML format for the localization files. In these localization files, key-value pairs are used where the value is the translation provided, but these key-value pairs can be within a scope (namespace), here are exapmles:
One example from here -
bar: baz
... the top level key is the locale. :foo is a namespace key and :bar is the key for the translation “baz”.
And another exapmle from here -
show_price: "%{price_dollar}$"
quote: "Coordinator: & quot;Crucifixion?& quot? & lt;br /& gt; Mr. Cheeky: & quot;Er, no, freedom actually.& quot;"
created_at: "Created at"
updated_at: "Updated at"
create: "Order"
update: "Modify"
name: "Your name"
company_name: "Company name"
phone: "Phone number"
email: "E-mail"
comment: "Comment"
Please check the pointers for better explanation.
An alternative style one can think of is to flatten the scope attributes: for example, in the last quote we can say: "Company name"
I believe that the nested style can be very confusing when editing large or deeply nested localization files. And indeed I found a couple of places where this issue is raised:
- accessing I18n translations yamls - a thread complaining about this same issue on the rails-i18n group.
The reason of doing it was complications I met with working on huge piece of data in nested yml files. Having few thousands keys in few translations files, was making me furious when I needed rename translation keys, move them to another namespace etc. and had to scroll a lot, looking and wondering what is namespace of the key. Also, resolving merge conflicts, checking for missing translations in other locale files are much easier, when you have and see full key.
- And here: someone has written a Vim plugin to flatten the file back and forth to overcome the issue.
My question is: what exactly are the advantages of having the nested style. Is there any issues with the flat style that made the developers go with the nested style despite the drawbacks?