
Just starting to implement things on TFS 2010. Been hunting around with no success so have resorted to posting the question.

When we get emails from users detailing a bug, or even suggesting a new feature, how can we create a TFS workitem on their behalf? We'd like to report on where/who the work items are coming from.

Having them create the item is not ideal as many of the users do not have TFS access, and may even be external clients.

Can you edit your template? If so, you could add a field to specify a contact person; this may suit your needs as far as knowing where a work item is coming from.Adam Wenger
So I'd create a whole new field for each work item type and adjust the workflow to use this new field? Seems kinda drastic when all I want to do is put their details in a pre-existing field that is already part of the existing workflow.philcart

1 Answers


The fields that are used for tracking use the credentials of the user that created the work item. If you want to track the customer who created the work item, you need to add a new field where you can store this information.

The CreatedBy field is available for you, but it is - hardcoded - readonly.

Do you know that it is also possible to let your external customers create their own bugs by using "Work Item Only View"? You don't need a CAL for your customer if you use this. In this mode, the customer can create new work items and see their own created work items.