
I am new to MongoDB and JDO after mostly doing development with Hibernate in the past. I am trying to persist a simple object and leverage the generated "_id" from MongoDB as the primary key for the persisted object. Unfortunately, it looks like DataNucleus is generating an "IDENTITY" field as well as Mongo generating an "_id" field in the persisted document. So, every object is persisted with two unique identifiers. How can I enforce DataNucleus to simply use the generated Mongo ObjectId? My persistent class is below.

public class HistoricalPrice {

private String ticker;
private Date day;
private double open;
private double close;
private double high;
private double low;
private long volume;

public HistoricalPrice(String ticker, Date day, double open, double close, double high, double low, long volume) {
    this.ticker = ticker;
    this.day = day;
    this.open = open;
    this.close = close;
    this.high = high;
    this.low = low;
    this.volume = volume;

1 Answers


Define the datastore identity "strategy" to be IDENTITY (as opposed to the default of NATIVE).


i.e consistent with what would be needed on an RDBMS to use some inbuilt mechanism.