
I have the following Spring AOP advice and I can't find out why it is called twice:

public class LoggingAspects {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingAspects.class);

    @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(public * com.A.B.C.service.impl.*.browse(..))",
            returning = "retVal")
    public Object onBrowse(DomainClass retVal) {
        logger.info("#######################Advice Called: +retVal);
        return null;


The configuration is as simple as that:


<bean id="loggingCASAspect" class="com.minervanetworks.xtv.stb.service.aspects.LoggingCASAspects"/> 

I have also tried the following advice with the same result (called twice).

@AfterReturning(pointcut="@annotation(com.A.B.C.service.impl.LOG)", returning="retVal")
public Object onBrowse(JoinPoint jp, DomainClass retVal) {
    logger.info("#######################Advice called! " + jp.toLongString()
    + " Target: " + jp.getTarget()
    + " Signature: " + jp.getSignature()
    + " Kind: " + jp.getKind()
    + " This: " + jp.getThis()
    + " Source Location: " + jp.getSourceLocation());

    return null;

The debug info from the above logger is:

2011-10-26 11:56:01,887 [INFO][com.A.B.C.service.aspects.LoggingAspects] #######################Advice called! execution(public abstract com.A.B.C.domain.DomainClass com.A.B.C.service.ContentManager.browse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean)) Target: com.A.B.C.service.impl.ContentManagerImpl@62ad191 Signature: DomainClass com.A.B.C.service.ContentManager.browse(String,String,String,Boolean) Kind: method-execution This: com.A.B.C.service.impl.ContentManagerImpl@62ad191 Source Location: org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint$SourceLocationImpl@d324de2

It is displayed twice with exactly the same values.

I hate asking the obvious, but is the method being called twice?Dave Newton
That was the first thing, I did check. The method is called only once. Sorry that I missed to mention that in the original question.nb.alexiev

2 Answers


1. hint

Do you use JavaConfig or xml? If you're using both, it could be that the Aspect is being processed two times by the Spring IoC container.

2. hint

I don't annotate aspects with @Component annoation, try to remove it, maybe because of that is being processed twice by Spring.


I found that the advice can be called twice if the aspect is declared as request-scoped. In this case the same bean is registered twice as an interceptor with different names: someAspect and scopedTarget.someAspect. I solved this issue by making the Aspect a singleton.

Version: Spring Boot 2.0.x