Imagine that I have 100 SELECT queries that differ by one input. A PreparedStatement can be used for the value.
All the documentation I see on the Web is for batch insert/update/delete. I have never seen batches used for select statements.
Can this be done? If so, please help me when the below sample code.
I suppose this can be done using an "IN" clause, but I would prefer to use batched select statements.
Sample code:
public void run(Connection db_conn, List value_list) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM DATA_TABLE WHERE ATTR = ?"; PreparedStatement pstmt = db_conn.prepareStatement(sql); for (String value: value_list) { pstmt.clearParameters(); pstmt.setObject(1, value); pstmt.addBatch(); } // What do I call here? int[] result_array = pstmt.executeBatch() while (pstmt.getMoreResults()) { ResultSet result_set = pstmt.getResultSet(); // do work here } }
I suppose this may also be driver-dependent behaviour. I am writing queries against IBM AS/400 DB2 database using their JDBC driver.
clause? If we weren't using JDBC, we'd write anIN
query, no? What's the benefit of having a different pattern for JDBC? – dimo414