in my JSON structure I have an object :
[{ id: 1, name: xxxxx, operation1: { startdate: 2011-10-25, enddate: 2011-11-25 }, operation2:{......}}]
in order to display the operations date, I need to access to stardate and enddate but how ?
I tried
{header:'operation1', xtype:'templatecolumn', tpl:'<span>{operation1.startdate}</span>', align:'center'}
in fact, I create columns dynamically :
for(var i=1;i<=31;i++){
this.columns.push({header:i, xtype:'templatecolumn', tpl:'<span>{operation'+i+'.startdate}</span>', align:'center'});
... etc. – Lionel Chantpl:'<span>{operation'+i+'.startdate}</span>'
– Cyril F