
I can't seem to connect to my linked server database from within the external content type definition screen in Microsoft Sharepoint 2010.

When I access my Linked Server from with SQL Server Management Studio, it works fine:

SELECT * FROM MyLinkedServer.MyCatalog.MyDatabase.MyTable

returns all the records just fine.

But in Sharepoint I choose "External Content Type", i create one; On the next screen I click "External system, click here to detect external datasources .." (or something similiar).

- Add connect/datasource  
  * Datasourcetype: SQL server  
  * Databaseserver: MySQLServerIP\InstanceName (ex.\SQLEXPRESS)  
  * Databasename: MyLinkedServer.MyCatalog.MyDatabase (ex. AS400.COMPANY1.ERPSYS)  
  * Name (optional): <Empty>  
  * Select 'Connect using the user-id (first option)'  
- OK.  


Cannot connect to the LobSystem (external system) Cannot open database "AS400.COMPANY1.ERPSYS requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MYDOMAIN\me'.

I use the same user for SQL Management studio and Sharepoint. I should have permission to access the Linked Server. I've set the specific credentials for the Linked Server for MYDOMAIN\me.

I can connect directly to a SQL database (which is not on a linked server) though..

Any ideas?


2 Answers


I had a similar task and I found the following site very useful. http://wyldesharepoint.blogspot.com/2010/06/external-content-types-reload-setting.html

You may also need to configure the permissions on the BDC Model Metadata after that, so I used http://www.zimmergren.net/archive/2010/05/08/access-denied-by-business-data-connectivity-solution.aspx

Let me know how you get on? JK


You'll have to map users on SQL Server to your AS400 users or always connect with the same user to the AS400. Check security settings on your linked server definition.