In C# I have created TabControl which inherits from TabPage:
public partial class TabPageControl : TabPage
public AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Inherit;
private TabPagePanelControl tabControlPanel = new TabPagePanelControl();
public TabPageControl()
tabControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
This tabPage is added to TabControl. TabControl is created as UserControl too:
public partial class TabControlControl : TabControl
public delegate void OnHeaderCloseDelegate(object sender, CloseEventArgs e);
public event OnHeaderCloseDelegate OnClose;
public TabControlControl()
//SetStyle(System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.TabStop = false;
this.DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
this.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
this.ItemSize = new System.Drawing.Size(230, 24);
The problem is with the display this controls. In TabControl, after programmatically added it to form, buttons and subtitles are increased. I would like to have them in normal size.