
I recently made a format to the computer. I installed the JDK for blackberry and configured the signing tools.

When I double click on a .cod file, it tells me to choose the program to open with. What program to choose to open .cod file to make the sign directly?

Please help with this I tried all the java files and didn't succeed


2 Answers


I used the following steps.

  1. Created a bat file in JDE/bin folder with the command inside:

    java -jar SignatureTool.jar %1

  2. Opened a .cod file properties and clicked on "Change" button in "Opens with..."

  3. Selected this .bat file (created on step 1).

It works. Just make sure, that you create .bat file in the folder where SignatureTool.jar is located.


The tool to sign is SignatureTool.jar. It is usually placed in the bin directory of the JDE folder (C:\Program files\Research in Motion\Blackberry JDE X.x.x\bin).

You can launch it from command line:

SignatureTool.jar -c -p <password> somefile.cod
SignatureTool.jar -c -p <password> -r somedirectory

So you can make a small .bat file to launch it from command line. What I don't know is if it is possible to associate a certain file extension to a .bat file in windows.