
After a month of successfully getting my app on Heroku, everything stopped working. No major changes. Google was mostly silent from my observations. Any help appreciated.

the info

heroku info
=== happyapp
Web URL:        http://happyapp.herokuapp.com/
Git Repo:       [email protected]:fitwit.git
Dynos:          0
Workers:        0
Repo size:      49M
Slug size:      84M
Stack:          cedar
Data size:      (empty)
Addons:         Basic Logging, MongoHQ MongoHQ Free, Basic Release Management, Shared Database 5MB
Owner:          [email protected]

the result

%git push heroku master
Counting objects: 477, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (205/205), done.
Writing objects: 100% (367/367), 104.57 KiB, done.
Total 367 (delta 235), reused 223 (delta 145)

-----> Heroku receiving push
 !     Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected

To [email protected]:happyapp.git
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:happyapp.git'

Any other troubleshooting options?


Did you try the official support yet?Matthew Flaschen
Did you pick the Cedar stack on purpose ? In any case, it's still in beta so you might want to try the official support as suggested by MatthewArnaud
looking at status.heroku.com there were some push related issues lastnight, not sure if they are in the same time frame as when you were experiencing problems.John Beynon
What sort of application are you deloying? Have you just switched to Cedar?Neil Middleton
No, this app has been working fine -- it is a Rails 3.1 app.bonhoffer

2 Answers


Did you fully add all files to be committed? I found that when this happened to me, it was because the commit I was pushing was not complete.

Run 'git status' to see if there are files not added to the commit, then run 'git add .' including the full stop at the end. A more thorough add would be 'git add -A' to include deleted files.

Following this commit and push as usual and see if this fixes the issue.

This worked for me.


The response from Heroku support:

Your issue is likely that your application is not at the root of your repository. I.e. if you put it in /app or something, we'll not be able to detect it. The solution is to move it to the repo root

Putting my app in the repo root solved this problem for me.

I've been struggling with the same issue for 2 days now - perhaps some of my findings can help?

This article states:

Cedar apps are detected based on the presence of "Gemfile" for Ruby

My App certainly has a Gemfile, so I turned to the contents thereof, and ensured that the Gemfile contained:

gem "heroku"

I also read that the Cedar stack only supports Postgres, so I added:

group :production do
  gem 'pg'
group :development, :test do
  gem 'sqlite3'

I'm completely new to Rails, GIT and Heroku, So I may have something else completely wrong...

My app is:

Ruby version 1.8.7 Rails version 3.1.0

Which I'm pretty sure is supposed to work on Cedar