
So if the image tag is

<img src="http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/LL0Y4MZ45bo/0.jpg" class="youtubeimg"></img>

I don't know how to extract the YouTube video id (LL0Y4MZ45bo) from the thumbnail image src and then apply it to an iframe.

currently i have 100% working, which applys the src to the iframe. but what i dont know how to do is get the id from the img tags in this case LL0Y4MZ45bo and add it to the youtube embed src http://www.youtube.com/embed/LL0Y4MZ45bo

<iframe src="" class="youtubeiframe"></iframe>

  src: "http://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO-ID-EXTRACTED-FROM-THUMBNAIL-SRC",

so how can I extract id from the img and apply to iframe src?


3 Answers


This extracts the YouTube ID using a Regular Expression, I made the assumption that it would be a minimum of eleven characters as the first YouTube Video ID has 11.

<img src="http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/LL0Y4MZ45bo/0.jpg" class="youtubeimg"></img>
<iframe src="" class="youtubeiframe"></iframe>

    $(function (){
        var youtubeid = $(".youtubeimg").attr("src").match(/[\w\-]{11,}/)[0];
              src: "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + youtubeid,

This works, however the YouTube Player API may provide you with a more stable solution to loading that iFrame, in the future once it becomes stable I would recommend the YouTube iFrame API


I think you can do this more easily if you'll start to study the YouTube API.


Make the URL as an array and than take the second to last part. For example this also works with CSS background-image.

id = $('div').attr('style').split('/');
id = id[id.length-2];
alert("YouTube ID: " + id);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div style="background-image:url('https://img.youtube.com/vi/MHUOty8-Ty0/0.jpg');"></div>
