I Have a Solr index that stores Price in a multivalued field for each Product.
I need to sort the result set by Price where the Price is Low to high and High to Low.
I try to use sorting on Price it's showing Error You can't sort on multivalued=True fields.
below is my solr XML
<arr name="sellprice">
in schema.xml
<field name="sellprice" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
In C# Code
ISolrQueryResults<ProductTest2> powerArticles = solr.Query(new
SolrQuery("WebCategory_Id:10") && new SolrQueryInList("FilterID",
146), new QueryOptions { FilterQueries = new[] { new
SolrQueryByRange<decimal>("sellprice", 10, 40) }, OrderBy = new[] {
new SolrNet.SortOrder(sellprice, desc) } });
Can somebody explain with some good example?