
I know, this question asked many times but i couldn't found a solution.
I've coded a php/JS script to get data from server and show them.
I am using Ajax to validate is user authenticated? I am using below method to do it;
My index.php:

$.post("data.php",{ req:'login',
username:$('#username').val(), //user enters given id
rand:Math.random() } ,
if (data == 'yes') // user is authenticated.
// i am using a form to send collected data to data.php

in data.php code is like this:

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass"); 
if (!$link) {
    die("No connection : " . mysql_error());

if ($_POST["req"] == "login"){

    // select proper table (related to his/her job) and control did user supplied correct password?

    if( password is correct ){
    // or $_SESSION["id"]=$user_id;
    echo "yes";
    else echo "no"; //Invalid Login
} else if ($_POST["req"] == "userinfo"){
} else 

system is working fine until here and i am redirecting to system.php, in system.php i want to use $_SESSION variable to get loged user's name in JavaScript.
Part of my system.php;

if ((isset($_SESSION["id"]))||(!empty($_SESSION["id"]))) header("Location:index.php");
$userno = $_SESSION["id"];
    $_SESSION["id"] = FALSE;
>script type="text/javascript">
$.post("data.php",{ req:'userinfo',username:'>?php echo ($userno) ?>',rand:Math.random() } ,function(data){
// sure ?php is written corrctly in script ;)
//.... again get data from data.php and put results into page..

This code is working properly in my PC (xampp) but on my server there is no chance..
echo ($userno) outputs nothing.
I've searched many place and i found that it is because register_globals is off. I understood why it is.
But why i can't get the value of $_SESSION["id"] and assign it to $userno in my system.php
NOTE : I am using same data.php file for many other requests and all these requests are dependent to username but different conditions change the tables that use for data source, so i can't get information at the begining.
Thanks right now...
Note: Because of i couldn't find the correct way to using code highlighting i put >?php for starting of php code parts and >script for JS code parts..

@ Frank Farmer : I tried both, no change / no chance :(Alper
Add error_reporting(E_ALL); on top of your script.mario
@ mario : I did but nothing showed, i've used HTTPFox for defining the problem and i saw that, $userno part outputs nothing in the page. So req:'userinfo',username:'<?php echo ($userno)?>' looks like req:'userinfo',username:''Alper
I'm not sure what your problem is, but variable names in PHP are case-sensitive, so it's absolutely certain that it won't work with $_session. You might want to change it, just to be sure you're on the right foot there.zneak
@Alper: You can't. You certainly can't adapt the servers php.ini yourself then. Nevermind. -- But post your real current code please. Show where you've added the error_reporting(). -- Also compare the SID cookie value in your browser. Does it change from page to page?mario

4 Answers


I believe it should be $_SESSION, not $_session. It's a superglobal, and it is case sensitive.

echo '<pre>';

What do you get?

Check the contents of the $userno on the server-side:

$userno = $_session["id"];

It is very interesting, i've controlled error.log file on my server (i don't know why i didn't control before) there are some errors say: sessions already sent by ... like errors
and i found a forum page that says :
Sometimes the problem is caused by the Include Unicode Signature (BOM) property, then i controlled my coding type and i saw it is Unicode with BOM (i am using without BOM but i don't understand how it could happen), when i convert without bom problem is solved.

This is totally my false (even misinformation) thanks for all your helps.


Simple and easy solution to register yours variables.

foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
 eval("$".$key."= '".$value."';");