I have a column in a grid with editor as combo-box.
When the grid is loaded then all the column values get displayed properly.
The issue is, when user clicks at the column (having combobox as editor) to edit it then the column value becomes null as shown in the attached screenshot.
I understand that the value becomes null as the store of combobox has not been loaded yet.
I can not use autoLoad true due to the heavy amount of data present in the combobox store. Moreover, even if I use autoLoad:true for the store with paging in it, then that too safeguards only those values which are present in the first page and not all.
Thus, how can I maintain the value in grid column when that value is not present in the store of combobox used as editor for the column?
Could anyone guide at this?
PS: I am using ExtJS Ver 4.0.2a