I have to connect an Orcle DB (virtual machine) from my .NET application. After reading some tutorials and docs I recognized that there are several components which could/should be installed: - Oracle Client (not Oracle Instant client since it doesn't have tnsping) - ODP.NET 2.0 - ODP.NET 4.0 - Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (incl. Oracle Data Access Components)
My suggestion was just to install the Oracle Client 11g (ca. 601 MB). Then I fogured out that it doesn't include ODP.NET 4.0.
Only installing Oracle Data Access Components delivers ODP.NET 2.0 and 4.0 bit it uses the instant client that doesn't include the tnsping tool. I need the tool to check the conenctin to the DB in the virtual machine.
Installing both packages after another disables the previous configuration so after it nothing works properly.
Can you tell me what exactly I have to install and in which order? As I said, I need Oracle connecntion, tnsping and some possibility to open connection from Visual Studio to inspect the DB data.
Thanx in advance.