
Is it possible to add a servlet mapping at runtime? either through a ContextListener or within a Servlet's init() method?

Within the application I am using, all requests are handled through a single Servlet and their mappings are defined in the web.xml file. The number of mappings are increasing and adding a new mapping requires a new release.

Mapping the servlet to /* would not work since requests dispatched to JSPs and static content would also be routed to this Servlet.

Using a filter might be an option nevertheless, it will add a requirement for the filter to know what path to prefix to the RequestDispatcher.

For example:

Dispatcher Servlet Mapping


Routing Filter Definition


In the above example, I would like to skip creating the filter, the filter mapping, and the servlet mapping and instead dynamically define mappings in a ContextListener.

I'm using Tomcat.


2 Answers


In servlet 3.0 (tomcat 7) it is possible: ServletContext.addServlet(..)

But in your case it may be wiser not to do that. Spring's DispatcherServlet for example is mapped to /*. It forwards to JSPs internally, and handles requests in its own non-servlet components, so that it doesn't need to register them dynamically. Take a look at spring-mvc anyway, even if you don't end up using it.


To dynamically add your own servlet, you need a servletcontext Object. From the api docs, there exists a method to bind your Servlet to the servletContext.
