What is the best way to express a total order relation in Prolog ?
For example, say I have a set of facts
and I want to express the following truth about a person's fortune: for each two persons X and Y, if not(X==Y), either X is richer than Y or Y is richer than X.
So my problem is that the richer clause should be capable of instantiating its variables and also to ensure that it is never the case that richer(X, Y) and richer(Y, X) at the same time.
Here is a better example to see what I mean:
happier(tim, john).
hates(X, Y) :- person(X), person(Y), richer(Y, X).
hates(X, Y) :- person(X), person(Y), richer(X, Y), happier(Y, X).
Now the answer to the query hates(john, tim) should return true, because if richer satisfies the mentioned property, one of those two hates clauses must be true. In a resolution based inference engine I could assert the fact (richer(X, Y) V richer(Y, X)) and the predicate hates(john, tim) could be proved to be true. I don't expect to be able to express this the same way in Prolog with the same effect. However, how can I implement this condition so the given example will work ?
Note also that I don't know who is richer: tim or john. I just now that one is richer than the other.
Thank you.