Is there a reader function in clojure to parse clojure data structure? My use case is to read configuration properties files and one value for a property should be a list. I'd like to be able to write this as:
property1 = ["value1" "value2"]
and in clojure:
(load-props "")
and get a map with value {property1, ["value1" "value2"]
Right now,m I'm doing the following, with the same input file "":
(defn load-props [filename]
(let [io ( filename)
prop (java.util.Properties.)]
(.load prop io)
(into {} prop)))
;; returns:
;; {"property1" "[\"valu1\", \"valu2\"]"}
(load-props "")
But I cannot get a way to parse the result to a clojure's vector. I'm basically looking for something like Erlang's file:consult/1 function. Any idea how to do this?