
I've created a menu icon and included a 36x36, 48x48 and 72x72 in the ldpi, mdpi and hdpi drawable folders. It looks fine on all devices except honeycomb tablets, where it seems like the padding around the Android icons are bigger than on my custom icon. I've included a screenshot (see how much bigger my 'Resume Reading' icon is than the android 'Back' and 'My Library' icons are). How do I make my icon look like this?

enter image description here


2 Answers


I think I found the problem. When using the Android resource icon's on a tablet, I think it changes the padding in order for the icon to be used in the action bar. So when displaying them in a pop up menu at the bottom they are appearing much smaller than they should be. The solution is to copy the android resources into our own resource folder as it says to do here http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design_menu.html


Most of your Tablets are not hdpi, they are xhdpi. While the Icon Design Guidelines are useful, they don't give the whole story. Consider reading Supporting Multiple Screens. Here, they tell you further ratios and dimensions. To save you some time, resources should be 3ldpi:4mdpi:6hdpi:8xhdpi meaning that your xhdpi icon should be 96 x 96. Please, read the whole document, though. It is insanely useful.