I'm beginning to think the answer to my question is 'No', but I'm still confused and uncertain about this. So please confirm. I've already learned the need to be careful when using Core Data with multiple threads. NSManagedObjectContext objects must not cross thread boundaries. Being a newbie with both threads and Core Data, I happily found that GCD should make some of this easier.
Naively perhaps, I then thought I would simply create a dedicated GCD dispatch queue for dealing with Core Data (or even, if needed, have multiple dispatch queues each with its own core data context). That would have been simple.
But now I realize that one big advantage of GCD dispatch queues is that it manages and makes use of multiple threads as needed. So - if I understand this right - tasks I hand off to one and the same dispatch queue, could end up running in different threads, potentially handing off a core data context from one thread to another, and having things go wrong. Is that right?
I've read many related questions and answers, for example Core Data and threads / Grand Central Dispatch, but I remain somewhat confused. The accepted answer to that question, using GCD queues, does ensure that a new context is created on each thread, but does not point out the necessity of doing this. Another answer says "You could execute all CoreData work on a queue named com.yourcompany.appname.dataaccess" seeming to imply that as long as the Core Data work is confined to one GCD dispatch queue, then all is OK. Maybe it is not.