I am having problem displaying a view in navigation controller after dimissing ZXingWidgetController.
Here are the steps.
- Present ZXingWidgetController modally using [self presentModalViewController:widController animated:YES];
- After scan result is returned in delegate (void)zxingController:(ZXingWidgetController*)controller didScanResult:(NSString *)resultString)
dismiss ZXingWidgetController and push a view controller in navigation controller.
[dismiss ZXingWidgetController: [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Push a view controller in navigation controller:
ParsedResult *parsedResult = [[UniversalResultParser parsedResultForString:resultString] retain];
self.result = [parsedResult retain];
self.actions = [self.result.actions retain];
ScanViewController *scanViewController = [[ScanViewController alloc]
initWithResult:parsedResult forScan:scan];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:scanViewController
[scanViewController release];
But this results into navigation bar being hidden behind status bar partially.
Please let me know how can I fix this issue?