I've searched around and couldn't quite find the answer to my question. What is the best way to populate a multiple Comboboxes when using Flex 4.5 and PHP 5?
I am developing a Flex app that displays about 20 Comboboxes on the screen - each combo showing different data. I would like all of the comboboxes to be populated at once when the app starts. I used the default "Data/Service" wizard in Flex that automatically creates the PHP that returns an ArrayCollection to Flex. For example, below is the current PHP function I use that populates each ComboBox:
public function getListsByCODE($code) {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT a.IDCODE, a.CODE, a.DESCR, a.NOTES FROM DROPDOWN_VW a WHERE (a.CODE = ?)");
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 's', $code);
$rows = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->IDCODE, $row->CODE, $row->DESCR, $row->NOTES);
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
$rows[] = $row;
$row = new stdClass();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->IDCODE, $row->CODE, $row->DESCR, $row->NOTES);
return $rows;
This works fine... except I have to submit 20 calls from Flex - each call returning different data for each combobox - which creates massive overhead.
I was thinking of returning ALL the rows from the database (using one call) and then using a method in Flex to easily parse (e4x?) through the data to specifically populate each combobox. For example, my rows of data may look like the following:
------- -----------
Fruit Apple
Fruit Orange
Drink Soda
Drink Water
Drink Wine
Candy Gummy Bears
If there someway in Flex where I can (easily) convert the ArrayCollection to XML and use e4x to populate the dataProvider with something like "...lastResult[Food='Fruit']"
Have PHP return XML in a way that the Flex lastResult will be a XMLListCollection (assuming that's what I need for e4x)?
Have PHP correctly return a multidimensional ArrayCollection where I can directly reference the "Fruit" collection? With this question I tried the following PHP code:
I modified "$rows[]=$row;" to "$rows[$rows->CODE][]=$row;" in the above code.
This looked like it works - PHP sends an ArrayCollection with a Fruit collection, Drink collection and so on (I see this when using the 'Test Operation' in Flex) - but I get a Flex error (TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@143f1b29 to mx.collections.IList) when trying to reference the object:
Is there a more efficient way?
Anyone have any ideas? Thank you very much.