I started using ActiveAdmin recently in a project and almost everything works great but I'm having a problem when using it in combination with the friendly_id gem. I'm getting ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord thrown for my forms [i believe] because of the friendly_id attribute whose ID is readonly:
"space"=>{"name"=>"The Kosmonaut",
"address"=>"8 Sichovykh Striltsiv 24",
"email"=>"[email protected]"},
"commit"=>"Update Space",
"id"=>"the-kosmonaut"} <--- culprit
I'm guessing the last line is the culprit as it's a readonly attribute, it's not in my form but rather in the PATH
How can I fix this from trying to update the ID?
Form from in ActiveAdmin looks like this:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :name
f.input :address
f.input :email
f.input :phone
f.input :website
f.inputs "Content" do
f.input :description
f.input :blurb
UPDATE: This doesn't work either so it's not the friendly_id?
I tried using @watson's suggestion which should have worked but still got the same error ;-(
"space"=>{"name"=>"The Kosmonaut 23"},
"commit"=>"Update Space",
When I check the record in the console with record.readonly? it returns false
UPDATE UPDATE: removing the scope_to fixes the problem.
scope_to :current_user, :unless => proc{ current_user.admin? }
Only problem is I need the scope_to to prevent users from seeing records they do not own. My guess is (as I'm assuming scope_to normally works with has_many) that my HABTM association causes some weirdness? Ie Users <-- HABTM --> Spaces?