i have a problem with a mysql ERM which is currently driving me crazy. I have a table called usuaris_backoffice
used to store backoffice users, then i also have a table called usuaris_backoffice_permisos
used to store the privileges of every user. I also have a table called perfils
where i store some profiles which can be edited by the backoffice users
so to have a edition history there is a tabled called perfils_usuari_backoffice
where i store which profile
has been modified by each user
. Then i also have a tabled called widgets
which also can be edited by the users, so the widgets edition history is stored in widgets_usuari_backoffice
. The FK are enabled for cascade deletion, so when a user is deleted from usuaris_backoffice
its privileges are also deleted from usuaris_backoffice_permisos
. The problem appears when i try to:
truncate usuaris_backoffice_permisos
which gives me the following error:
1701 - Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (`test`.`usuaris_backoffice_permisos`, CONSTRAINT `FK_F8F850F3D001730C` FOREIGN KEY (`usuari_backoffice_id`) REFERENCES `test`.`usuaris_backoffice` (`id`))
As this 6 tables are part of a biggest ERM i've created a small test environment in order to be able to run some tests, so the following code can be used to create
and populate
the tables
CREATE TABLE perfils_usuari_backoffice (perfil_id INT NOT NULL, login VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_870785D657291544 (perfil_id), INDEX IDX_870785D6AA08CB10 (login), PRIMARY KEY(perfil_id, login, updated_at)) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE usuaris_backoffice (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, login VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_95E4B6E5AA08CB10 (login), PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE usuaris_backoffice_permisos (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, usuari_backoffice_id INT NOT NULL, es_admin TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_F8F850F3D001730C (usuari_backoffice_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE widgets_usuari_backoffice (widget_id INT NOT NULL, usuari_backoffice_id INT NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_43DA3B33FBE885E2 (widget_id), INDEX IDX_43DA3B33D001730C (usuari_backoffice_id), PRIMARY KEY(widget_id, usuari_backoffice_id, updated_at)) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE widgets (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, classe VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_9D58E4C18F87BF96 (classe), PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE perfils (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, actiu TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE perfils_usuari_backoffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_870785D657291544 FOREIGN KEY (perfil_id) REFERENCES perfils (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE usuaris_backoffice_permisos ADD CONSTRAINT FK_F8F850F3D001730C FOREIGN KEY (usuari_backoffice_id) REFERENCES usuaris_backoffice (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE perfils_usuari_backoffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_870785D6AA08CB10 FOREIGN KEY (login) REFERENCES usuaris_backoffice (login) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE widgets_usuari_backoffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_43DA3B33D001730C FOREIGN KEY (usuari_backoffice_id) REFERENCES usuaris_backoffice (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE widgets_usuari_backoffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_43DA3B33FBE885E2 FOREIGN KEY (widget_id) REFERENCES widgets (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; INSERT INTO `test`.`usuaris_backoffice` (`id` ,`login` ,`password` ,`created_at` ,`updated_at`)VALUES (NULL , 'edgar', '1234', '2011-10-06 00:00:00', '2011-10-06 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO `test`.`usuaris_backoffice_permisos` (`id`, `usuari_backoffice_id`, `es_admin`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '1', '0', '2011-10-06 00:00:00', '2011-10-06 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO `test`.`perfils` (`id`, `actiu`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '0', '2011-10-06 00:00:00', '2011-10-06 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO `test`.`perfils_usuari_backoffice` (`perfil_id`, `login`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('1', 'edgar', '2011-10-06 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO `test`.`widgets` (`id`, `classe`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, 'hola', '2011-10-06 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO `test`.`widgets_usuari_backoffice` (`widget_id`, `usuari_backoffice_id`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('1', '1', '2011-10-06 00:00:00');
Code which returns the error is:
TRUNCATE usuaris_backoffice_permisos;
TRUNCATE perfils_usuari_backoffice;
TRUNCATE widgets_usuari_backoffice;
TRUNCATE usuaris_backoffice;
Thanks a lot for your time, hope someone can help :)