I have recorded an array[1024] of data from my mic on my Android phone, passed it through a 1D forward DFT of the real data (setting a further 1024 bits to 0). I saved the array to a text file, and repeated this 8 times.
I got back 16384 results. I opened the text file in Excel and made a graph to see what it looked like(x=index of array, y=size of number returned). There are some massive spikes (both positive and negative) in magnitude around 110, 232, and small spikes continuing in that fashion until around 1817 and 1941 where the spikes get big again, then drop again.
My problem is that wherever I look for help on the topic it mentions gettng the real and imaginary numbers, I only have a 1D array, that I got back from the method I used from Piotr Wendykier's class:
DoubleFFT_1D.realForwardFull(audioDataArray); // from the library JTransforms.
My question is: What do I need to do to this data to return a frequency? The sound recorded was me playing an 'A' on the bottom string (5th fret) of my guitar (at roughly 440Hz) .